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This tab provides license information.




This tab contains the basic information that is necessary for a proper working of this program.


Following are the entry fields and their meaning:


License for team


This is the name on which the license is provided.




The name of your club. This name is also visible on the printed overview.

You can search for the official name of your club by clicking on the button search team.

You can type in a portion of the name, after which you can make a choice from the team that satisfies the selection.




This is the country from the club.




The province in which the club is (currently valid only for The Netherlands and Belgium)




The district to which the club belongs


Search team


If you don't know the number of your club/sports school, you can look this up.  By typing in a portion of the name or entering  the TBN-number, you get a list of all the teams that satisfy the search.  If your team file isn't made, the program does this automatically for you with the help of the table delivered with TaekoPlan.  This is read only once afterwhich you can keep the team file current.



TaekoPlan English Manual - (c) 2017 SenSoft Automation - Alphen aan den Rijn - The Netherlands