Import CompServ Online entries

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This is a special import module, which is created for being used with the CompServ-Online website subscriptions.

This format is mainly used in Sweden and will be obsolete.




Select the database in Excel format which contains the information to be imported.


Click on Start import to import the competitors and officials into the tournament.

The teams from the CompServ database have an ID which contains countrycode and identifier from 5000 up (e.g. 1835001).

This is a unique number by which the team is entered into the taekoplan database.


The process is as follows:


- The competitors already in the tournament will be removed

- The teams will be entered in the taekoplan database

- The new competitors will be imported

- The officials will be imported


After this, the competitors can be used in your tournament.





TaekoPlan English Manual - (c) 2017 SenSoft Automation - Alphen aan den Rijn - The Netherlands