Import TPSS website entries

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With this module you can import competitors and officials from the TPSS subscription website.

The tournament should be available on TPSS and it should have been created in TaekoPlan.





The procedure is as follows:


Click on Download XML file to get the data from the webserver. This requires an active internet connection.

If the connection is not there, the importfile should be available in the folder InternetDownload folder below the TaekoPlan folder.


The file has a name like '53624157.xml'.

The number is the unique tournament identification, which has been created by TaekoPlan during generation of the tournament.

If then name of the file and the tournament ID have a mismatch, the import will not start.


Click on Start import to read the data. All competitors and officials are being shown in the textarea. They will be imported all and processed.

After this they will be available in the tournament.

By default, picture, if available on TPSS, will be downloaded also.

If you don't want or need the pictures, just check the box No photo download.


By default, the competitors are entered starting with ID no. 1.

If you want to use the TPSS ID, just check the box Use internet ID as startnumber.


For each import the current, already available competitors are removed. But only these which were imported in a previous import action.

Manually entered competitors will be preserved.




It might happen that the XML file can not be read by TaekoPlan.

This is most of the time caused by an invalid character in the XML.

The error message should already identify the error and state the line in which the wrong character is detected.

To repair the file, open it in a normal text editor (UltraEdit, Notepad, Notepad++ ....) and look for the line.

Especially look for a &

This character is not accepted by XML to be part of a text string.

Replace it by the text And, after that save the file and retry the read attempt.






TaekoPlan English Manual - (c) 2017 SenSoft Automation - Alphen aan den Rijn - The Netherlands