Listnumbers teams/schools

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This module gives you an overview of alle competing teams with their automatically generated listno's.



When you click a team, you will see the competitors and officials of this team listed. You can then click a competitor or official to see his/her details.

The list no's are being used as unique identification of a team. This is resolved automatically during the competitor's entry.


The following submenu is available under Settings:



Teamnames in capitals


Will show all teamnames in uppercase characters.


Teamnames in lowercase


Will show all teamnames in lowercase


Teamnames starting with capitals


Will show all teamnames starting with capitals and the other characters lowercase.



Other menu options:


Print ID cards competitors


If you select one or more competitors, you can print their ID cards immediately.


Print ID cards officials


If you select one or more officials, you can print ID cards immediately.


Team information



The system is able to keep track of the no of cards printed, the teams that passed the registration etc.

If you right click on a team you have the option to Change ready status. This will mark the team as green, so it has been present.


Right clicking on a team's name will open a popup menu:



Details team


Will give you the detailed information of the team


Remove team


Will remove the team of the tournament. This will remove all competitors and officials of that specific team.
Be sure to do so.


Change ready status team


This will show the team as ready or, clicked again, as not ready.

The team will become green in the list as signal that they were handled.


Print teamlist


Will print both competitors and officials for the selected team.







TaekoPlan English Manual - (c) 2017 SenSoft Automation - Alphen aan den Rijn - The Netherlands