Overview per category

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Here you can view the competitors per category.



You see the seeding, class, ID, name, Team and country.

If you double click on a competitor,  his/her information is shown.

If you right click with the mouse, you get the following submenu.



Planned fights


Will give you an overview of the fights for the competitor




Will give you the detailed information of a competitor




Will provide you the details for payment


Weight Ok


Can have status checked or unchecked. Checked means that the competitor has passed the weigh-in.


Competitors, who do not have a correct weight and therefore may not participate, are marked in red.

Pay attention to the count at the top of the screen:  "Number participants:  5 of which 5 active for the draw".

Also for issuing of the prizes, only the active competitors are considered.


In the box on the right side the categories will be shown which only have one competitor.










TaekoPlan English Manual - (c) 2017 SenSoft Automation - Alphen aan den Rijn - The Netherlands