Tournament statistics

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The tournament statistics give an overview of your tournament.  This is concerning the number of competitors, the percentage of drop outs, the number of matches per court etc.




On the basis of these numbers, you can make a decision on the running of your tournament.

The statistics show 5 tabs.


The first one show the no. of competitors overall and per day.



The second one show the male competitors



The third one shows the female competitors



The fourth tab shows the courts






And the fifth one shows the other statistics



The print menu option provides info on paper about the current tournament.



Menu options





Will print an overview of the statistics for the tournament




This refreshes the information on the screen.




Leave the module and unload it.




Open the help at the topic which is provided for this module.


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TaekoPlan English Manual - (c) 2017 SenSoft Automation - Alphen aan den Rijn - The Netherlands