Importing competitors

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Instead of adding the competitors individually in TaekoPlan,  you can also import them from, for example, an Excel worksheet or and Access database.



The import procedure is as follows:


Select the drive, the directory and therein the source with the entries.  Top right, choose  under Source database type the sort of import (Excel, Access etc.)




If it in an Access table, also select the table name in Access table.

Next click on Read source file. You then see under Available courts all import courts from the source.  Select the courts that you want to import, either one by one or altogether via Total selection.



If you import an Excel worksheet, there is a restriction:  the name of the worksheet must have the same name as the Excel workbook that contains the worksheet.

Otherwise you get an error message and data will not be imported.


If you click on Start import, you get the second screen:



Click on the corresponding  courts from the list from the source file and the list from the TaekoPlan file.  Through this, you link  them to each other.

On the right, you see that displayed:


If you make an incorrect link, then click on unlink courts and start linking again..  If you click on Match by name, all the courts with the same name are directly linked to each other.  It is mandatory to fill in the courts which are shown above.

If you have linked all the courts, click on Import.  The competitors are then imported from the source.  If everything works correctly, you receive a message and the import is closed.  After the import, check through the management module  if the import has been properly done.  All of the information for each participant must be available to you.



TaekoPlan English Manual - (c) 2017 SenSoft Automation - Alphen aan den Rijn - The Netherlands