Change competitor's category

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After the competitors are assigned with the help of the wizard, there is always the possibility to combine the competitors to another category.
That can happen, for example, if during the weigh-in one of the competitors is too heavy for a category in which he is originally signed in, and switching is allowed.


In order to do this, you go to the module for the Add competitors. Ask the ID number from the competitor,  next adjust the weight of, for example, the class, if necessary.
After you have done this (you do not have to choose save),  the  button for Combine will light up. Click this button.

The competitor is then automatically combined after you have confirmed to do so.


The principle behind the combining is as follows:


Target category is not yet drawn


The competitor is only added to the competitor's list of the new category.  He is deleted out of the old and moved in to the new one.


Target category is drawn, not yet planned


The competitor is added to the new category and removed from the old.

His is added to the schedule in the highest available open position in the draw according to WTF rules.
If there is not any available free position, the category is expanded from, for example from 8 to 16, or 16 to 32.  The competitor is added to the first round.

A competitor is "taken"  from the second round in order to be the opponent.  His original opponent gets the winner of the added fight as his opponent.  


Target category is drawn and planned


The competitor is added to the new category and removed from the old.  His is added to the schedule in the highest available open draw place.

If there is not any available free draw place, the category is expanded, for example from 8 to 16, or 16 to 32.  The competitor is added to the first round.

A competitor is "taken"  from the second round to be the opponent.  His original opponent gets the winner of the added fight as his opponent.  

The newly made fight gets a unique rotation (reference) number.

This  is always 3 matches lower than the fight number of the next round (so if the winner of this inserted fight has to compete in the following round fight 312, the number of this inserted fight will be 309).

The number will be supplemented with the code ".1".






TaekoPlan English Manual - (c) 2017 SenSoft Automation - Alphen aan den Rijn - The Netherlands